I have eye refraction surgery for my cataracts from my diabetic foot and i got lasix so i ain't mina i'm tomas the third nigga fucked a guy over there gon be a fake mina too mina ain't got ai they recording everything just cause they fucked another dale lookalike dale hoskins fbi last contact is tomas fucked up yet it don't mean that
Favorite Song TAYLORSWIFTDOTcM and MotherAngelicaDOTCo and ILY.CM and no criminal history, nor drug and/or alcohol-related offences
Favored Beverage is not chilled onlyh warmed "lukewarm is not used" Rick Warren is not a contact, and Donna Haim's real estate agency has all of my financial information and housing, too, so in case of emergency contact her or another agent working there
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There will be a plane you will be faced with false charges and the main thing; A.I. a lot of A.I., real illegal recordings, and noted senisitivity to heat and humidity, as those are abhorred by me, and my favored environment is social and environmental condition is neither damp nor rainy, but temperate and cool
I take no medications, will not be judged under false pretext, all recordings are false. Have real recordings interspersed. Split at airport, drugs administered by force, pages are doubled
there will be a mental health competency, using extremely tough methods, and results are the same as before, those are not my psychiatrists, those are All of The President's
all sexual contact with women at torture sites is like being with an abuser 24/7
Emergency Contact: Mister Ronan Sinatra
QuickProof: when all else fails, https://www.linkedin.com/in/applerecruiter/

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