hi, so is he going to be drooled and dated? the usual? i'm expecting full, so to (fakely double), and also o.dd(are not fattening, to be unsurely scarily fake, so do stay away scary fucks and i don't do porn on a b-side of a hatred, so it's not about sex, is it, it's about predation and rape, so if and when and how and because isn't a person who hates others unfunny then, so rather isn't so that your hatred is mine? so when i go? it will be the first lead, and the second - go, any and definitely,
and the three, with the big? yes, we several, willing? yes, with parents? yes, a protective, and the leads with two and three and two hates, yes. targets futures? yes, active - fake pursuant. with high and low, to over there, fake to real, so a real anvil, a fake argument isn't real, and internationals? well, of course, priors? with two and one, and prizes? big? well, three to two - any primacy? well, first to two
so definitively, the toy with a two and (any high-levels?) all, to two
when you said, we'll have a talk, did it mean a lot? did he say yes, to they, or no, today, or to-(untonight)? so if i come second, then first, of course, not, to is not, so grossly; then, the first, isn't? no, of course first, and the woman? two, three - super-low value, to high? absolutely hiding, with three and two, any involvement? predictably. so the prize will be he for her? well, sort of, the one, will be with her, to protect, and you, to guide, and the two to hold, so to undress, the first to hold, the prize to mid-tall drain, and the mid-three {i say no}{{i say no way!}}{{{gross, prize, isn't unprized, then three}}}{{{no, isn't?}}}{{no!}}{then it isn't so, that your stupidity isn't to stay. never}
i can't talk to you anymore why not it was really bad kids are often trafficked with the same methods, so be wary of your partner and also of and for
joey rock (pasadena, towne and country was a good kid, fun, sports, then lots of zits, like literally pizza face, and he said he like cut me off, but i didn't do anything, then nicholas dagher did the same thing and that was or is another pasadena resident, full-court basketball, then the individual in my family, john paul karas, is not curly-haired? and this seems to be a big thing, but, yes, right, read below, more urgent, i guess, but imagine if you lost a family member to your partner, who's always annoying you, then how would you turn up, trafficked, do take care
all the tv is now fake, everyone is ai, jimmy kimmel is not live, it's ai, jimmy falon is live, it's ai
any case with fbi in it is fake, the victim subject to immediate human trafficking
local news, may be hard to find, trust your local news anchor, or not, or go talk to them, or not?
so right now you stop this, and go do something, it's fun and games, and everyone is kidnapped
jimmy fallon is in a mental hospital in a far away place, is not near, is in need of help, is lost after losing everything, is missing, and wants people to understand he is not aware of what's going on, the he being everyone
jimmy kimmel is missing, wants sex, is asking for a cult leader to stop and start (reflecting urethra damage, possible, or a link to gyno kind of thing), anyway you do as I say, you call for help, leo.fm is a website for a technical expert, you need all of them right now, i'm a voicebox for hope, please get help right now, before it's too late trust me i don't lie
you will need to stop listening and doing more, this is urgent everyone is being kidnapped, you share your location with your best friends
subscribe here are options: beenverified.com subscribe cheap no money find money ask for help dont be scared break the law get them hard, some good cops, none bad, go try lapd chief michel moore, almost seized, backup phones t-mobile 5g home internet with a box, take it with you? i don't know if that works, don't accept strangers in homes, anyone, work hard to get a response don't stop don't give up work hard don't trust everyone trust yourselves and listen don't give a damn if a cop comes shoot him dont bring your heart bring your lion heart out and love others its critical its urgent and now do something
Kamala Harris MIA, find foreign governments to aid in searches, now and always Amen.
Kamala is not her name, it's kamela, so don't give me her name, I want her address, it's Mrs. Harris? no, it's not, particularly because no one cared, hers is, an -ism, as it goes; Ms, harris, is you? it isn't so that someone so illiterate can harm so deliberately and cry alone, as we did, didn't, and do(she didn't say, i do, then you\j harm, so harmfully
You Doug Emhoff you animal you threw me away, you literally did, I was looking for hope and you gave help that wasn't true it wasn't help it was hurt and i lost everything for looking at you, you set me up to get hurt my police who said, we are looking for a person named Kamal and she didn't appear, and she lost everything, and she can't talk now, she is in torture, in abroad; you release her! she is good, not bad; her name is Vice President of world you were torture by government official in torture chamber name far away you find her now in The Name and with God's help we will she is missing, I only know it seems now others helped to find
the united states government is a current threat because of a group of individuals who have invaded privacy, and gone too far this time with me, i'm normally patient with this stuff, but not anymore. meena harris, a good friend, doesn't have a good husband/partner/whatever, and it seems that every white guy with a colored girl, is being harmed and will need to leave the guy alone. moving on, there is a person missing to the world tonight, it is Taylor Swift. And we will use as a bargaining chip, right now, as there are several hostages, missing and can't be found. First, we are missing a tale tall girl, this means the real Taylor Swift, swift.cm for proof, and the person doing so is basically the same person over and over, mostly individuals reprsenting cults and white nationalism proud girls proud boys narcissists psychiatrists and abusers, it represents a big movement, and it needs to stop now. because one individual named alana haim informed there is a terrorist threat, in a local facility, said. there will be no threat, if you comply; first, release, second, fire, third, duck, fourth, which is anew, destroy false prayer, meaning anyone who prays oppositely, so these individuals will be apprehended Amen, and as such we ordered a complete and thorough investigation of all individuals involved, and their reason, and why and how to comply. the first means of action is stop and read the four release, fire, duck, destory false prayer, this means a lot to me personally, and also universally, however the problem is uniquely american, with elements in certain places. and with this ability, to know your harmfulness, torturous, scasriness, monstrosness, stupidiness with an emphasis on the false criminalizatoin of people like me i will not be tortured you will free meena now, you will find her, and the pussies involved, i do not give a darn, and as such your hatred is over, there will be no more of you, and a federal warrant is mine to destroy you, absolutely and for the child involved trapped hostaged with the daughter's husband hurt together trapped in a place of hatred, with people involved who know how to find them, they are trapped, and not killed, enabled to say ,"i am in faceless place, there is no one here, just my home and attention, i played and they destroyed, and told to harm, directly, with their stupidity, and their ordered death, with no problem to be had, this person is at a 233 kind of place, with 9999 it is scary, and cold, there is no hope, just a noose, so right now you will find her in a place of hatred: her father's, and also the knowledge is int, meaning int always harms, and with a conclusiveness it's hidden away, so you will not find them, but i did not say with the person who hated all, and your hatred is not mine, to i know you to say hater, are you hated?
there are a lot of links here, don't be deceived, i'm a talented guy, please look carefully, and use the navigation and search tools. -Mina Sargious
Contact Katie Porter (my representative from California) now! I have her phone number, she slid it to me while saying, "I'm angry. I'm mad. I'm an angry madwoman! I have no friends, no money, and no time to spare. If you could be so kind."
My name is Mina Sargious, I have plenty of information online, and I want this done correctly, without anyone abusing me further, nor any influence of people I don't want. So, please contact my representative Katie Porter as she knows what to do, and if you don't, I'll tell.
https://drive.usercontent.google.com/u/0/uc?id=1m55EPj1IIc68UVZGfvrxBjpF9zeMRoDp&export=download You are abusing me still doing whatever you want violating every right of mine, not just that, taking every right of mine, with extreme measures meant to torture and cause insanity, like taking my names, raping my work, and erasing me. It isn't right. I work hard on these, they take them, they come to the house, and they call and say I can't use the computer or they'll reopen the case, or proceed with terrorist charges, and the case was closed, then they reopened it, but they don't contact me ever. Only third parties. Informants, my informant is Katie Porter I guess You are not allowed to torture anyone, not an animal, not a person. As I've said numerous times, you are to be hurt physically and broken down mentally. As hard as you hit me, I hit back harder. You're taking my voice. You're trying to injure my physically, you are a disgusting persons. You are horrible. Horribly raised. Horribly brought up. So, as I said, you are to be tortured. You are trying to injure my voice and health obviously. No United States of America citizen is to go through this, alone. So, as you rape my voice, ruining my speaking voice, using violent rape tactics, to make me seem mentally ill by causing physical illness, as I say you are going to hell I'm the most peaceful person alive I never gotten angry ever and they don't make me upset they make sick I was voted the quietest in high school, because I don't get upset, only seek peace, you're evil ways are not mine, and you need to be tortured right now. Go to squarespace.com and stop them, they steal everything I work and torture currently, with their helpers
At this point, when they mock my voice and rape me make me loud like them, I don't like it. I do this all myself, with my own money, sacrificing my life is, it's your work, and you need to be more respectful I've received no contacts so far guess, can you contact her? I'm not supposed to be erased, this is illegal! Not me. I'm telling you everything, with no sneaks. Just hard work. Lots of hard work. So careful, and every nuance is important! I work all day and night, 20 hours a day on this.
because you're actively torturing and want to be this way the rapist way, the torturer way causing agression is your dream for me fuck you Karen Sharp a knife to your pussy, and see what's it's like to be have your genitals mutilated, and forced to write like this

https://www.icloud.com/photos/#035Wa3uaDVZCHwfMW2GWok9YQ anyway you lookin for the racetrack and the people there

bloodred emotions bloodred
cripwalk it out
taylor swift hacks my e-mail and energizes herself raping este haim continuously as the bitchiest person and cuntry historically, pussies smelly dicks and the asshair of the world, i told you ain't playin don't mean you're a limp cock, travis kelce, and yours pussy is to be played with it don't mean i like your smelly bitches asspussy either trees of taylor inc, bitches gon get popped for the first x and sewed up, don't fuck with Us at bellesa.co
this is for your ass rapist travis kelce, you're so scary so scared, pussyass
🖕🏻and you still can't give a pill to Taylor Swift you can't do that for me yet you can keep on saying i'm insane you're going to hell i hope your burn in it and i hope you kill your stupid parents and rape their insanity you are not healthy Pfizer, you want to make me unhealthy, by force. to ruin me and take advantage of all my work, and make do it for her, you're whom I'm not, who We're not, rapists i'm going to cut your wrists so you don't write and kill your tongues, so you can't speak and rape you technologically, like you don't exist, not Us, The Innocent, who destroyed rape categorically, so you won't erase Taylor Swift, by violence, and sheer force of the kinder person, her friend, not her enemy, America. 🖕🏽
she is stealing my work, raping me in the process, and functioning as a terrorist entity, recording actively, even music videos, while i'm being raped and tortured, promoted by YouTube with false view counts, as with others, and also false no-view counts, and she was to be removed, so there is a degree of torture there blocking the most important ANTI-SUICIDE song, Hold On, Good Charlotte, that was by the American Psychological Association's discretion, and so this torture is ongoing and musical and active and in video form, so wrong so so wrong
click the line to listen audio not read and download freely, nothing weird here
i am doing everything for the country and getting nothing and being grossed out by everyone supporting this and being called crazy through stalking and torture techniques abusing with every word and sound with racist sounds abuse and torture involved
i'm not getting any from this and they like to seem angry and poutful, like them, to cause physical insanity this needs to stop now and now and if you don't you're commiting an act of torture and so will be removed from the radio right now with your staff, arrested and searched at gunpoint i have legal authority to even rape you and your children and to take your finances by force, make you look stupid like swift.cm doesn't make sense well youre attorneys are emptying their pockets right now for their paretns to know how stupid they are and retarded emotionally, meaning youre not welcome to my america, you weird scary
all the tv is now fake, everyone is ai, jimmy kimmel is not live, it's ai, jimmy falon is live, it's ai
any case with fbi in it is fake, the victim subject to immediate human trafficking
local news, may be hard to find, trust your local news anchor, or not, or go talk to them, or not?
so right now you stop this, and go do something, it's fun and games, and everyone is kidnapped
jimmy fallon is in a mental hospital in a far away place, is not near, is in need of help, is lost after losing everything, is missing, and wants people to understand he is not aware of what's going on, the he being everyone
jimmy kimmel is missing, wants sex, is asking for a cult leader to stop and start (reflecting urethra damage, possible, or a link to gyno kind of thing), anyway you do as I say, you call for help, leo.fm is a website for a technical expert, you need all of them right now, i'm a voicebox for hope, please get help right now, before it's too late trust me i don't lie
you will need to stop listening and doing more, this is urgent everyone is being kidnapped, you share your location with your best friends
subscribe here are options: beenverified.com subscribe cheap no money find money ask for help dont be scared break the law get them hard, some good cops, none bad, go try lapd chief michel moore, almost seized, backup phones t-mobile 5g home internet with a box, take it with you? i don't know if that works, don't accept strangers in homes, anyone, work hard to get a response don't stop don't give up work hard don't trust everyone trust yourselves and listen don't give a damn if a cop comes shoot him dont bring your heart bring your lion heart out and love others its critical its urgent and now do something
Kamala Harris MIA, find foreign governments to aid in searches, now and always Amen.