contacvy mi6 and mi5 on their websites phones not fbi-cia-simialrs-MI6's Mina
i went outside and no one's there this is urgent
people know how to rape and torture and these are them: fbi, cia, nra, npr, cnn, dnn, and dsn, it's codes for complete torture and rape, make sure your family member isn't fakely situated and do contact mi6 and mi5 for emergency help
they have emergency lines to dial with a +44 extension if emergency try text ahh scary
also read my other resource and contact japan services too
sort of emergency for whom
it's like ed isn't a riri fan that bad (ig post reference)
my mumz she dope aint call her i live with her and daddy you got that number bro i got a home landline and two cells they block thosethey fake call directv dish bank block this is a crisis
i just realized everyone is hostage
it's a crisis indeed omg someone do something
following this logic, it appears an anarchist took over the governmment no one is real, and nessitates immediate response
Taylor Swift got caught by MI6's Mina she's a fucking anarchist dumb as fuck too she leads this cult with her attorneys holding everyone hostage, starting with big celebrities, MI6 is the point of contact and MI5 too, Ronan Farrow media contact send your coordinates to your friends i ain't go with no fucker if they steal me they fucking gross
Ron DeSantis and Gavin Newsom are political figures doing this for anarchy's sake, and the news is fake literally just cgi and sent lies (artificial imagery
(it holds true what i said before, fbi's cia's not a cover don't be distracted
for specialties is scary cvs has a drug called ariprprazole that i don't want but will definitely get (as the fbi is involved in that, and they're terrifying) it's 10mg along with a statin at the arcadia baldwin ave location everywhere is being invaded strangely enough these strange sorts are dangerous and appear to have compromised police units and banks
israel got hostages israel everywhere no cap (there are individuals abroad contacting whom instead they are not fighting here nah i sent messages not in my head no response whatsover everyone no one lilit pogosian terrorist
a lot of people care but are talking to the wrong people indicating they are compromised or are talking to themselves so i want to know i'm okay my friends and family care a lot so them too
people who harm do so necessarily and this seems harmful, so it's necessary something is done, idk who if anyone cares as lines are formed and destroyed sometimes like break off the party happened, and i like to party but not that much, so i don't smoke nor drink if anyone asks why i hate this i don't i'm not hateful i'm kind and forgiving, laughter is good medicine so i'm not against medicine but like helping others learn but not that much i'm really cool talk to me i'll post my pin link

Imminent Threat of Home Robbery Invasion
when the dish guy came to fix the dish but didn't provide a name that was a code he had someone waiting another car
to brutally rob and wipe me clean
this person is a current threat to MI6's Mina
he did not fix the thing and wanted a followup this person is fbiaffiliated fbi ain doin they dirty work
i do it big got nigga on outside and front nigga frontback i ain't playin the niggas on the four side doublin on the five
see you at six kinda nigga scary af
they all trapped in douglas the attorney and tree paine the good niggas justin and shit they fuckin use the same literal niggas
they in a fucking fake correctional facility doin the squarespace shitty ass job lol
Subject: ellie goulding
canadian montreal sperm lab britney label stands for them vulgar blacks homeless drives home multilevel home one individual in doctor garb because of diplo in a san francisco four season drake affiliate white
riff raff
Subject: off and on doctor sort celebrities come and go
the person who hates isn't hateful kanye west is faith filled so faith evans sean combs came and tried to kill drake because he was there if there was someone it would be
someone is he
the scary
the person who hates isn't hateful kanye west is faith filled so faith evans sean combs came and tried to kill drake because he was there if there was someone it would be
someone is he
the scary
the person who hates isn't hateful kanye west is faith filled so faith evans sean combs came and tried to kill drake because he was there if there was someone it would be
someone is he
the scary
the person who hates isn't hateful kanye west is faith filled so faith evans sean combs came and tried to kill drake because he was there if there was someone it would be
someone is he
the scary
the person who hates isn't hateful kanye west is faith filled so faith evans sean combs came and tried to kill drake because he was there if there was someone it would be
someone is he
the scary
the person who hates isn't hateful kanye west is faith filled so faith evans sean combs came and tried to kill drake because he was there if there was someone it would be
someone is he
the scary
the person who hates isn't hateful kanye west is faith filled so faith evans sean combs came and tried to kill drake because he was there if there was someone it would be
someone is he
the scary
the person who hates isn't hateful kanye west is faith filled so faith evans sean combs came and tried to kill drake because he was there if there was someone it would be
someone is he
the scary
the person who hates isn't hateful kanye west is faith filled so faith evans sean combs came and tried to kill drake because he was there if there was someone it would be
someone is he
the scary
Subject: there are situations that hate and people who don't these are situations that do: harm and die, like cutting and selfinjuiroihs stuff ends there all do so do look for those kinds the emo kids, best defined scary child molesters fake people in churche
elementary school sorts is not it is not related as a relative of katy perry david hudson is trapped within a sort of hatred about that stuff living amongst sluts hoping to change but ended with opposites sluts who hope to hurt others as a slave of sorts i think is still actively this is odd likened
Subject: the intrusion of normality
when someone hates someone it's meaningful so the meaning of hatred is often changed in documents doctored doc saved like if i said that i wouldn't be fucking around right now which is still am obviously so if someone knows why she is angry lemme know, let mina know because i know her, i know her kind heart wouldn't allow that; do not believe all the abuser says, such as im like im gay its fake its a front like im haughty but not, just to achieve power through that means and always saying average things, like not bad but what's good man i am being trafficking her around passing a blunt when i do it as a bitch would this is andy soliman kinda adjacent james soliman weird, cause he isnt only fbi informant but a friend would do kind of guy a friendly guise to fuck violently any saintly sort, obviously aggressive so to say a fake someone embedded in this would say no thanks fbi bye ninja kind of guy genuinely mocking nigga and their ninja friends to sexually assault saad intentionally but how intent is he to still do his aggression to what end knows clear directions suggesting perversion in others often, to fuck canada over he does blow and is fucking around with other drug dealing like they do it with big pharma a drug dealer with cvs he contacts to know who he be fuck earl nah he'd order a backwards skut to fuck sideways and get on the fucking gunhold shit
andy soliman sent tips to fbi site all along he know how it work
Subject: dababy
fuck with him he'll kill a pussy to make a nigga bleed again
the three drake got a cell hostage out everywhere they say it gay related they get high and fuck up niggas relatives
they say blood but they bleed pussy
i'd say this nigga out here scamming just for that bitch to fuck her ugly ass neighbor kinda shit to fuck a bitch lungs up you gotta fuck her down
these niggas go down
on them so if that bitch gets gang trapped they'll fucking blow a nigga too i swear he fucked a nigga before jus to fuck up
they playin
hobby shit lobby
gon be the setup
come visit i'll cum on a nigga to visit god
kinda trap niggas out here all the time
tryin to help out finish off top and i'll fucking kill
all these bitches sick as hell
half of em ain even they pretend to be to pass a nigga around that what drake like
if a nigga fucks a bitch i fuck a nigga code
they fuck niggas trans they make a nigga rand they black power suicide a copout nah fuck a cop up they pussy scare get information they pussy like to get roughed up ain no halfsteppin these crazy fux they the ones ain no make no sense they fuck a nigga to fake bleed but they ain't say they trans i know they are but they fuck with fashion hard ay soft though tog eat hard ain no ed shit these niggas out here stupid ain no nigga in la get caught down only up cause they smoke weed it get you right to the salespersons who did that that nigga bleeds fuckin hilarious eat a nigga ass kinda slutty nigger pass around those kinda fake dream rotations they got dream i swear these corny say love then twist wipe and she ain't out nowhere homeless plan from that kinda ass so i say what i said i fuck a nigga lung up dababy co-signed a deal with this motherfucker to find out ain no real niggas left they out here fuckin kids and shit fucking gross
french montana and future
Subject: ain no reason for blac chyna
kinda like a hotel rawanda spot in mexico they bleedin cause they
Subject: come and get she okay she hostage prize
that ugly nigger gon use that bitch to barter he fucking scary kinda niggers d on that, they fuck niggas they wanna water they garden and ain no hose so they stick the drill in the fucking ocean they do not give a damn these niggers all they do is fuck around with subtweets so that he (wants more and more and can't get more) out here writing them he fucking scary zoom zoom zoom kinda niggas krs one bushwick bill opposite hostage he out there with the queens niggas on that video tip like they like a nigga to fuck wit low class they wanted drake to fuck alana there he bleeds he wanna fuck kill baby her he do it he blasts like this fake kill to fuck them up and wants to to free her fake nigga friend up jeremy scott to do so he ain't street he ain't black power he bleeding and he ain't soft he hard like a nigga dye a nigga bitch up to smack a bitch kinda southside niggas scared they getting pummeled gotta ask but ain't tell rule fake af so if a nigga slide with a bitch then yg crew ain't aware cause he out there too often ain't to know to kill that write a fucking hostage shit this nigga got deep guns and red pill state bitch goner to fuck endings so a movie star kinda bitch ain't fuck with a g for that reason he the niggers nigga to fuck with niggas you see a niggas mine ain't work when they get gone they ain't pull so shoot a bitch's ass i ont fucking care they fuck niggas in the ass these fucking cocksuckers and i ain't into that shit i fuck a nigga up they say nigga got caught out of state kind of shit he instate he right there in county kinda drill him iont fucking care kinda simon cowell ain't real no more he got caught with that masturbation shit but he rich an can help designer fuck them up he crip
this shit twisted like they'll fuck a nigga i swear
the same bitches that hate a nigga will literally fuck a nigga
they the ones you concerned about they the ones
haim ain't them it's them they'll fuck you over if they say it ain't right then it ain't they ain't right that ain't right of you to say i'm involved in sex trafficking i do not know whom or how this bitch made that up how did he make that shit up i'm shitty rockstar kinda bitch
well. if someone harms someone, i necessarily ain't that niggas friend nor am i to be harmed past present future pledge these frat kinda poltical folk out there and fucking on false pretense they help a nigga out go out there and get fucking raped i swear
this nigga newsom he out there he say he go for treatment he gets introduced gets raped disappears ain never come back for that he ain't hood at all but he scary
he'll come and fuck a nigger literally say he soft ain't hard then run
fake release always ends up in fake county so check the police records they are not in a holding cell but packing so run fast as fuddruckers ran out of burbank, them burbank hollywood types something wrong fly you out and bring you back to get back from masked up niggas doin it i swear
they fuck a nigga lungs up i swear just to fuck me up they wanna loosen the fucking throat up to sing some ghetto opera kellz hatred rooted that way they got computers at the fucking places cracked, and for me that mean airports ain't safe when you get there it gon say nigga transplanted he a terrorist fresh so to note sex trafficking gotta know the terms, ain no victim like it so they place that to fuck you up if it say i victim help to fuck a nigga hardest ever i ain no sof i told that bitch to her fucking racey ass ion gon drink that beer in campus village so to say i ain't fuck no indian never they gon say i infected so and so got cases pending anyway
andy soliman and the greece landing at jfk was a setup to get arrested and them got that flight info it connected to lax, so i gotta fly big, young ma ain fuck wit that ghetto shit they fuck a bitch hard growing up so she know more i gotta tell you when shiva fucks she sucks too so don't fall for no parlor shit they ain victim that code for bait and double bait like here a setup run to the store and get a dime sack them cbd joints got faked the fuck out like they'll black you out shit the one that fucked nigga up gon be dat fake ganja it smoked out already just laced, and those sneakerheads know them folks at adidas fuck with drake that's why they funny want a nigga ass dead by fucking it with fbi kinda related so when that bitch sucked off he ran and told like always to know how to do so for fun he gay af like her old man kinda shit fuck a nigga up you get caught with a wet dick they'll kill you std centers fuckin poppin got all those dumb bitches like that other fake taylor like that still ain fuck with no north side kinda bay area gay af all infected intentionally there they say a nigga bleeds to die they fucked me they fucked her too times a day aidy bryant kinda bitches ain moving so thick niggas like nah rod wave ain lbc there nate he half brother relative his thirdbloodbleed excommunication kinda shit they poppin heavy pills and ass for a reason nicki setup cardi ain't but you know drake popped who else gon fuck with migos them latino el chapo all setup they got clowned so hard tunnels and shit them mexican niggas gon fuck sideways sometimes they go down to go up and end up in fake state not even federal federal does not exist
he ain fuck with us he hater like his moms who fuck islamic women up she racist ertine know that if you order tartine to get the olive bread sourdough stale there
Subject: lilit is a fucking pimpstress worse than pimp
ain no way a bitch runs solo these days all those walking alien abduction ice out there where else they the biggest scared folk that's why i know a nigga real and hard as harden on the block lilit pogosian from queens loool she slangin to get bangin noooooo she is a former stripper from queens kinda bitch scam to win tonya as fuck and just like her kin fucked the fuck up
hi guys drake scary as hell
adonis trafficked