travis kelce is in a rape position because she evil and its dark and scary she raped him she raped him bad he went out with her and then she traded him like me so his ma dont know who she is talking to he is not interested in movies thats scary i think she aint that nice and my friend she is a fucking scary lady and she is evil and it happened when that whole thing was made up for that reason i dont think she evil i think another one that other brother he do it with her so im in a home of rape victims and theyre all so unhappy so if you could be so kind then addy the last pin drop to moms she probably lookin confused
timothee chalamat nose or a heart nose i heart neither of those, i'm with alana's pointy? i would dance to the beat not against it, for the grain, nor with it, to a prosthetic limb, with a michael jackson tint, it don't work like that
if i had a gun,
I would use it.
I would pull the nine. I would pull out after I fucked the one who don't have more than a handgun. I'm scared of you, really, I don't scare easily. So, if you're scary, then you're hairy, and I don't like hairy women. So no, not you, it's about my american dollars, and checkbooks, I do it old school only, exclusively
So don't contact me
I don't contact wear colored contacts please, I do albino red,
And I don't like stupid be smarter, I'm not into reading, writing, nor doing things, so you got the wrong guy
I think you're looking for Kanye West, he's scary and loud, I'm not into that, just doing a bit of talking and not shouting, calm the fuck down

taylor, stop it. you're ruining travis's life, like mine. he is not the guy with you. you are another person. this was done intentionally. you wanted to have fame. so you did anything. apologies to some extent are due. however, travis, sir, stop playing. it isn't that funny, and it's totally scary; taylor swift is abusing you and your family, of course, however you need to take responsibility to understand that individual is not worthy of respect, and football players need to step up and say that's not right. because she is not a good person she has become evil literally saying i am that person, that's me, i'm travis kelce, and she's writing those articles about him to make herself happy, she isn't a good person, she's a publicist and a psychiatrist, who is desperate someone who wanted to have fun at any expense, from within the NFL, to Travis Kelce, however, it is mainly meant to make Taylor Swift look like a victim, and also to make herself important, the psychiatrist involved, a narcissist, and a psychopath. So, prior to knowing Travis, did you meet him no did you enjoy him no did he go out a lot not really did he smoke weed yes a lot did he have fun in college i don't really remember him there did he drop out yea i thought so after the second year or something did you get a chance to talk to him i tried but he wasn't acting weird he just wouldn't answer so Travis Kelce the football player is a real person however not a good person a bad person would say you are not to talk to her because she is working with a person to protect her, because this involves torture literally and torturing me and not like silly but like cia torture throwaway silly of my family and shit so and me so she's really scary and wants to hurt at any cost, so when you say it was fun can i meet her do not do that she will take advantage of it; travis, sir, how are you first of all? Are you taking your drugs? Are you happy on the drugs or are you being manipulated by a drug company while this happens because it involves the Israeli war and sexual torture of American during it by a major pop star and her buddies, so when you say it's okay to fight like be pugnacious do you know why you say so when you say it's time for Monday Night Football do you know why she isn't there and only in the pictures, because she's really never there. This ends the NFL. Taylor Swift is not at those games, she is in the stands, in the photos, produced carefully and also for her friends and family to support her, but then I wasn't there, you weren't either, what happened, anyway, let's see what's up with Travis Kelce these days, just seems where is he i don't see him anywhere i saw him on tv that's why those are there and it's so freakin scary that I had to do all this for it honestly this is a long thing and it took forever this is about guys and girls boys and girls it's really fun, but terribly scary, and I don't suggest it for anyone except for the seasoned professionals.
Okay, two points for those who can answer these questions with a (y) yes
Do you have a girlfriend?
Do you have a boyfriend?
Are you a boy of a girl Are you a girl of a boy, because I am trying desperately to understand what the fuck is going on and it seems definitively so that I am to be a model trans individual or something, no, i'm not trans first of all, second of all I am not a monk, third I am not your monk to be played with, and fourth I am not a sexual object to anyone, including your friends and family, and fifth I say are you fucking shitting me, because this nigger John Paul Karas is not him, juanitopablitok something like that, John Paul, you are not a gay person, who is that guy, he intricated himself in my family, and he appears totally nonexistent now except via text on occassion, I'm just saying this motherfucker weird, and they all do to me, I'm not really into this, just asking is John Paul Karas a fucking gay guy and what the fuck is going on, this fucker weird, that doctor uncle weird, he like huh i'm doctor i check blood uh how, that's a bad sign, i do test on testicles that's fucking i don't know that guy that wasn't me by the way, honestly it wasn't, really who is the other guy are they like fucking, what is this shit are you who again what's your name oh hi there nice to meet you what the fuck who are these people, and why do feel like i'm alone in this fucking weird ass dark castle, i really don't know you, mister, and i'm kinda wondering why that church entirely want to fuck with me, my God, I think I got it, I think that priest James Soliman he fuckin another priest or something, and that andrew hanna guy i think he wonderin are you bullshitin me, and am i about to get anally penetrated am i like someone planning shit your hatred is not mine however I don't know want to know kind of deal isn't it, it's like why everyone quiet about this and no one answering and I'm in the dark online? Also, ain't no one answer me yet, honestly, no one, it kinda weird, like they settin up somethin not good, though, like gon put in like a fishing net or something and no one care really except and i'm confused why no one here answerin me and why no one want to know what going on it's kinda weird i think i'm like a slave legit but i got to say ain't no one listening to me and that's scary i'm askin y'all what the fuck is going for the last forever, it's been like a million years since i asked am i hallucinatin no one wants to say, do, except only drs are in it and no one else i get messages from and them, not, so it's are people running me
the pain
the tides
the rain
i heardn't, hadn't, wished for,
anyone else to see, misses you,
so do we, miss you enough, than why aren't you happy, to be sad i used to be happy
no, i'm happy now, that means a lot.
thanks, for listening, to yourself speak, and finding your voice, it's important, to speak clearly, enjoy life, and not be scared
don't be scared of me, i'm quite possibly the least scary you can find, even if you check your mom's heart list, it's a bit too long right now
And don't harm me, I'm harmless, and I'm harmlessly saying, "are you okay? and why is that good with you is it ok