YetMina is nice, Mina is nice, Mina is nice.
Mina is nicer, Mina is nicer, Mina is nice because of. hamsters, inc. who fought valiantly the war on terrorism, not afraid, very bold, and very good hamsters, if not for mr. hamster, i would've died for you, anyway, 4 (2, is not blue enough, to be red, and is passionate depression the same when your depression is passionate, then why aren't hood bitches sought after, and hood kings laughed at, it's someone, 4,, (an't about that)
when 9/11 happened to me, andy richter, hired several employees to hunt islamic men, to rape and torture, it is not a joke of war, it is a crime of war, you will not live longer than your father will, your humor is not mine, i am not amused, and Conan O'brian worked deliberately for that purpose, to rape and torture alleged stalkers, and sent every Islamic Woman to black sites, as did David Letterman, and knowingly for that purpose, rape and incest, taking advantage-of-children and with, the permissibility provided by, and take for give situations, don't work; so I'll give you that to take back, his child's virginity, taken, right is now, and wrong is when I told you to not touch her, yet you did, and that's why your daughters are going now, with youre alleged stalkers, exonerated, because you are a terrorist, and trhey peacekeeprs, entiteld to your homes and Taylor Swift helping Andy's kids, laugh and sing, and at that black site, where they will go now, where I was meant to go, it is scary, only abuse and-torture, you will not live a happy moment, and I will live with your freedom taken, imprisoning all terrorists, and knot you to know, it is not freedom nor my anger enough for your abuse and torture today, is enough, and you will be tkaen hardly because my hanger is not known yet! conan, remember him, this individual whom is not a stalker, you tortured him,and sent him there, and tortured him there, you are a terrorist, and he is not Armenian enough? Then, I'll show you white-hot Armenian's hatred of you and your family, taken to hell together now, because of your torture of him, a religious leader, whom is smart and eloquent, in saying, "go, it is now, go it is Israeli." You are rewpsonbile for warfare, casued, in your name, Howard Stern's daughter and Adam, you will not-talk again, you will be sealed up, and away
Offtime tours? 🔞

Alan Kalter
is my angel.
he is so nice
thank you so much!
I hate David LEtterman. He is a scary man. And has a history of torture, and worked with torturers in his tours to other countries worked at sites torturing individuals, and had a role in planning and committing 9/11, as he is not funny, only depressing and humorous to a few others. He is a dangerous man. Yet more dangerous is Conan O'Brien, whom is not your friend, only your enemy. He worked several torturers in his early career, and his best prize is his closest, taking the life of Sona Mosveian, and with violence, and rage and drunks would laugh as he raped her, she cried, "Can I not know? Can I not?” Can you learn from your mistake, it is your birth and death, it wasn’t that I disliked. It is your. I would not know you. I have not. You are the person, their entity, it is your then our. And I have none, to give, my fuck is mine. You’d say, “Can I?” I would it is my duty, to my hunt. I would never hunt further than a tree branch. Yet when I say, it’s cool, it’s different, you say it’s not, it’s same. Yet I am not angry, that I have no person to fuck.
You fucked him, and my anger for that, is, your fuck, to give, with each person fucking and not giving, it is your strange country, not mine, yet I’ve always asked, “Are you full?” And I served you. And that is not a good thing, because your rapist, is no more, a person yet an entity. A person shouldn’t laugh when he comes back. And his career of highs and lows, is over, yet his return was purposeful, and his return there purposefully tortuous, as he worked at a dark site he took virginity he took humor it is not your work you did not accomplish my work is mine, my body is yours, then? I have none to know you, which is my anger for you because you break to break, and it’s more than, take your virginity to fuck you, and laugh while after, it is your work, that I have, and my fuck to work, youra fucking piece of work, then, like Andy, your sidekick, and it’s not funny enough, that Alan is there, presiding over your slavery.
Alan, is your to know!
You are my slaves, you are banned from my country, you will not go anywhere but down on Henry’s ass, you will give him herpes right now, let’s go away from them, because David Letteramn raped a ten-year old girl andt a dark site, and alaughed while-she cried out for her mother, you are disturbed, and you are a terrorist, and you will be killed, but first, Henry, you will be killed, too, you will-be embarassed and mutilated your mother tortured while I watch livestreamed, I’m not funny, and you have been raped!
That I am not your enemy, is more than its worth. You do not inicimalize yourself to another, it is not proper. And my anger for your torture is my anger towards it. I would never contact a person, let alone harm a person. Yet, your anger, is your torture. You have no empathy, because you are not moody, only crazy. You will not understand that I have known you to be, a variable that I cannot provide the identity of “,” with person, knowing a person is not “,” only I would not exclaim my anger, because I cannot. It is repressed. It is too peaceful. And I have only a fuck.
Anyone else, takers? I give back a lot, to the world, not in payment for myself, it is payment for-another, and my payment stubhubbecause Ronan you are not good you are very bad, and it ishe, Andy Richter, whom worked with you and your father, before, to find and injure you, a pervert, is always one, and you are a pedophile, a nd a dangerous person, and I know you to be a bad person, walking the earth to find things, it isn’t there, you won’t find it, what you’ve found is anger and malice, that I’ve known
Henry, let's go! You will be ordereout of your home, by gunforce,-immediately, kiss him goodbye, little lass. let us laugh with your humor it is so funny to see a woman raped, and it will be fun to laugh at your poor humour.