type in diiana.uk in google that's how you start
if not then remember you are insignificant historically and that any overtly racist person is not my kind. yet?
these are human traffickers disguised as police officers. they have guns and will arrest. it involves a murder suspect, who is masked currently, as a DOJ official. His name is related to a political figure only in image and this person will need to be arrestd before he holds another person hostage, and subject to trafficking
see and read and ask for help at the london embassy in coptic egypt
not government use only
website making and website for human trafficking victims of three coptic religious and doctor

I am the owner of g-oogle.com, I have no history of mental illness and I don't know why but it appears that I don't have a means to communicate, and my last is always that which is not apparent and I don't realize that I have lost communication to most of the world yet I am here doing well and off of my medication I am not on medication for schizophrenia nor do I abuse others, it is so terrifying that today I was approached by at least 5-7 armed police officers, ready to seat me in a police car, and it wasn't till I got asked to sit on the floor that I realized I had been cheated. And it appears more than worrisome, because I don't know what you're talking about. I had not e-mailed Jack Ross, I would never threaten nor "rape" anyone, yet it appears that he fabricated e-mails to another person and that other person is not very cooperative with me and had I known that I had no history of violence nor suicidal abuse, it appears very vaguely familiar and reminscient of a school shooting plot, and it appears that these armed officers, are fine, nice, and cordial, yet were unaware of me, and came to anger myself away from them, they aren't really sad, nor happy, and in my approach, very cordial, I asked, "are you well?" None were. It was terrifying. They thought I had kidnapped another officer and Jack Ross a person of major importance had only asked, "are you not ok?" because he had not even contacted me, nor me him. I did not e-mail this person. This way to talk is because this is happening. I did not e-mail anyone nor get told to stop contacting, and I have no one to say I didn't? It's very obvious, if you look at what's going on here, that I am being framed for a school shooting plot. It's very disturbing. And terrifying. Because I am the opposite, and I am writing madly, because it isn't fair. I am not inclined to school shootings, let alone obsess about those who commit those crimes. Yet I have a major interest and vested inclination towards being kind. I have nothing to do with murder nor suicide. Those are hallmarks of schizophrenia. And maybe when I tell you that these officers at Temple City Sherrif's Station do not know me and they were surprised because I saved their life. It wasn't hard to say to them, only because, they did not know my address, that I am the owner of g-oogle.com it is right there. type it in. now please. it is not how I do business, and I have an accumulated wealth online, not describing this art project. Mary Tanagho Ross if you Google her shows you she is not that person whom you have been communicated with. Instead, she, a dear friend from college, had no interest in Jack Ross, and he used the same means to fabricate before, to say she was his wife. And had children. This woman does not have children. She can be checked for that respect I am not a vulgar person and these accusations are wild and awful. It needs a person to analyze art and I can give you the Norton Simon Museum and Huntington Library immediate contact, but after hours it might be difficult. I don't have much to say tonight, but this is not a threat page and I do not threaten others because I can't threaten myself, either. It's very transparent. Dr. is not on duty, and you have a lot of doctors in the area, most if not all, know already that I am a wealthy person online and this money is stored somewhere else. If you can understand that I do not threaten others, especailly by police, as you did, not with doctors, that is terrifying! This looks like one page, yet it is many others and you might need to learn what's going on. And that has the Israeli-War Pretext already there it looks similar but it is not the same and there are minute details that are hard to understand; that's already understood, though, at every place, yet tonight I was to be incarcerated on false pretense, these are not my words nor my image is not only kind but I don't do anything that's completely out-of-line I want to you please contact your authority if contacted like this because I don't bother with criminality nor threaten and am very careful almost to a fault, yet it's well-acknowledged, so this effort tonight was brutal. I was going to a dark site, which you can look up, it is not only still around, but still developed, it is hided, yet you will see it, if you click around, this is not real I don't hallucinate it is a recording of a hallucination that you need to describe, it is not schizophrenia I work with agencies to find victims of human trafficking, in silence without anyone knowing but it's my demeanor outside that's alarming, because I don't only love myself and others, as shown and proven, yet we need to stop Jack David Ross from kidnapping and harming this person and misusing legal authority yet it still happens, and it's alarming that I was to be extradited quickly and without notice even after all of this.