& you're calling whom retarded, that's you sweet♥️
and just yesterday everything was great, mina's version didn't exist, and now he's to raped and murdered you disgust my girls and boyz
you are surviving by abusing my mother, making her feel i'm crazy, the quietest mind, the least moody, and raping her and me, so you can survive, and torture me, you are horrible you deserve nothing, and i still am trapped here, let my mother go, you fucking worthless asses, you are terrorist supporters, openly, and disgustingly, you aren't my kids, you don't smell shit when it stinks this has 25 years, this is pedophilia, raping me when i was 17, stalking, i'm 39 now, and you're still enjoying it, your parents need to be killed, and you quelled, and you raped, stop trying it, and succeeding, that's how it's working, through rape of my mother, ain't your rosa parks to dine with you, you are not me nor her, you are disgusting and i hope to god your ugly asexual asses get raped now, stupid fux
if she gets mentally disabled, i get fucked up, and if she dies, i get fucked up, if i get drugged, by your ugly ass racists, i hope to God what happens next is your deathbed to you are pussies to get raped, you're ugly, scared of heaven's gate, you Nike ass racist ass fearful of tinker hatfield, your pussy ass kids to get fucked up, all of you, white ass, not strong, weak as fuck, colored in skin only, not in strength of God, and his mighty wrath, you fucking diseased kids, get your fucking abusive sexual asses away with me and mine, your too ugly, i told you that already, stop trying mestop trying me like your ugly dirty filthy catlooking mother, she pussy as you, disgustingly you little codddled as ugly ass slime bitch ass cunt with bloodreddotted daughter and your racist ass go away you pussy ass country needs to be and been
torture them, fuck them up with eminem's sleep aids
your war has started drug to insanity horror america psychiatric
the new Taylor Swift is a porn actress and is a racist she was studying sexually with visual ads for racism crimes this is a severe war offense and it is documented and it needs to happen that these thugs get molested and children raped and dcuking drilled to the floor this involves child predation and rape induced naturally and rape induced it is the worst sexual crime against anyone in history and still railing I am known on the porn circuit ask Riley Reid Pasadena you pussies die do something and rape your ugly
your pussy nigger at the airport is a womanhandle to a penetration and you are cunts you swallower adult men and women, join your country of pussies, can't even answer un torture, to be the disfigured dicks, of your mother's vaginally-diseased pussies
forced religious conversions to not my ideology never was, and never won't know yourselves to be racists and bigots, and antisemites, of the caliber of yours, is not approachable to ours, you're filthy, you're not kings nor queens, pitiably, disgustingly americans, hatred of the coloured, not the geniuses celebrating colours, whom i saved, against your will, and still, you sexual torturers and when you say alana is a girl and me a man, then you are the slut and he the nigger, stay away afrom ours, you are not, you are not coloured, you despise emotionality and violence, so that begets
anne's eyes are focused up, and her then-partner's down
anne johnston is not a real person, hates me and wants me so to know you are to know she is not a person to talk to and harass and was repeatedly harassed and challenged by jane osick ("mina" cat, and "uc irvine" french, is known to be stubborn, scary), and was bothered so much by her, that she fled, isn't dead, yet abused
if they tempt you, you-we can pay 3x that amount, just ask before you act
mr. ring is a history buff, well-liked by students and faculty alike, this crime included his disappearance, and his daughter is mia for a reason, and Lilit Pogosian M.D. is recommended officially
if covid is googlech.co and youtubech.co then is that vaccine full of ouaird and always known on the radar as a substance that is not available to others only to selves, you go and take and become another, it is a toxic substance, like ari, which is psychoactive and also very dangerous to disease-prevention, with the taylorswift-induction, with her albums coinciding with the release, and her from quarantine, and us slavish to her, and not me, with induction OF hate and torture by means of secondary release, Primary AIM, and also to harm to arm, and arm to harm, and all substances noted on the radar as "T-," harm-to-arm-arm-to-harm. Post-secondary release, is not post-primary release, and each toxicity separated to effect separation-effect, and your rape to know as rape
Cooper Hoffman is your son and your confidante and you are a pervert in a place of perversion, writing with the likes of hunter thompson, to achieve literary glory
if covid is googlech.co and youtubech.co then is that vaccine full of ouaird and always known on the radar as a substance that is not available to others only to selves, you go and take and become another, it is a toxic substance, like ari, which is psychoactive and also very dangerous to disease-prevention, with the taylorswift-induction, with her albums coinciding with the release, and her from quarantine, and us slavish to her, and not me, with induction OF hate and torture by means of secondary release, Primary AIM, and also to harm to arm, and arm to harm, and all substances noted on the radar as "T-," harm-to-arm-arm-to-harm. Post-secondary release, is not post-primary release, and each toxicity separated to effect separation-effect, and your rape to know as rape